Depicted on the left is T. taxus, the American Badger. T. taxus is a nocturnal, solitary relative of the weasel and skunk (family Mustelidae), and is found primarily in the great plains region of North America. It is the official state animal of Wisconsin. Depicted on the right is Jonathan, another American Badger. Jonathan is a solitary relative of the chimpanzee and orangutan (family Hominidae), and although appropriately native to Wisconsin, has been previously found in Urbana, Illinois, Waterloo, Ontario, Montreal, Quebec, Washington, D.C., San Diego, California, and now in Rockville, Maryland where he is working as a staff scientist at the National Institutes of Health.



Other Interests


NCBI News Slashdot BMC Bioinformatics Science Nature J. Mol. Evol. PLOS


Dr. Jonathan Badger
Staff Scientist
Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology (LICI)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
National Instututes of Health
37 Convent Drive
Bethesda, MD 20814


jonathanhbadger at